Iskren Georgiev

UI/UX Designer / Avid Video Gamer / Tech Lover

I am Iskren Georgiev, a Bulgarian UI/UX designer based in Sofia, Bulgaria. I have a BS in Computer Science and MS in Computer Systems and Networks Engineering. Through the years I have worked as an IT trainer and front-end developer and I have also done some web designer projects as a side-gig. Recently I decided to follow my heart and dive deeper into the UI/UX field and soon after that I landed a job. Currently I am looking forward to expanding my knoledge further and building a solid career in the UI/UX.

Sneak a peek at some of the work I have done in the past, starting from the most recent one and don't forget to follow the links to see them in action!

Small World BG

Web design / UI

A helpful web site aiming to assist those Bulgarian gamers who struggle to translate and understand the rules and give the most valuable information about the famous Days of Wonder's board game Small World and its expansions.

Gamescom 2017

T-Shirt design

My entry for the annual Gamescom contest which scored a Top 3 place. The design was planed to be an eye-catching symbol of both the event and the city.